Needing a little help?
We Clean Services gets the job done, so you don't have to!

We are a brand new company with highly trained professionals offering services to residential and commercial properties in all of Columbus.

We offer services with standard cleaning products as well as eco-friendly options by request. Our cleaning company prides itself on providing reliable cleaning services by experienced, trusted and highly trained professionals.

We are passionate about cleaning and very confident about the high quality of our professional cleaning services.

We are bonded and insured.

Call our office today to discuss your requirements and book an appointment with us!
Residential and
Commercial Cleaning
(regular, deep clean)
Car interiors
(essential, detailed)
(house and cars)
"Absolutely the best cleaning service around! Very professional. They take excellent care of my possessions while they clean & clean all areas thoroughly. Outstanding value!" - James J.
"We have had deep cleaning done before, but their cleaning was superior. The inside of the refrigerator looks brand new. They went above and beyond our expectations. Would definitely recommend them to good friends and family. Their pricing was very reasonable." - Lary B.
"We clean services are fantastic... The company feels like to me a mom and pop company. They are very friendly and they are thorough. They come in like a tornado and clean our home. I kinda feel like they are now part of the family. They are from Rio and have tolerated my attempts to speak Portuguese. My wife likes their attention to detail and particularly the rose design toilet paper display... We have tried many companies through groupon and these are the one we have select to keep." - Scott N.
Request a Free Quote*
Square Feet
How often are you interested in having you house cleaned?
*Our estimates are subject to adjustments depending on a few variables such as: having pets and/or homes that are excessively dirty or in poor condition and/or move-in/move-out or post-construction cleaning
Contact Us
(740) 272-7800